Smily Books Blog 2023年7月更新中

新TOEICテスト「勝ち組」のスピード攻略 松野 守峰(ダイヤモンド社)

 ①Although S+V「〜だけれども」
  Although we are early,I'd like to begin.
 ②In contrast「これとは対照的に」
  In contrast,the downtown branch is in good shape.
  Instead,I'd like to discuss the budget.
 ④On the contrary「それとは逆に」
  On the contrary,we supported the reforms.(それとは逆に、私たちはその改革案を支持した)
 ⑤While S+V「〜の一方で」
  While the job is demanding,the wages are good.(仕事はきつい一方で、賃金はいい)
  However,he could not handle the questions.(だが、彼はその質問をさばけなかった)
  Nevertheless,she has weathered the storms.(それにもかかわらず、彼女は難局を切り抜けてきた)
 ①The weather makes [it] necessary to postpone the event.
 ②Your expression makes [it] clear (that) you are angry.
 →make it 〜to do,make it 〜that S+Vが多い
 It is not until after the meeting that I remembered the appointment.
 We should cancel the meeting,given the circumstances.
 ①Call me prior to your arrival.(到着前に〜)
 ②It's a nice day,despite the wind.(風はあるにもかかわらず)
 ③The game was canceled due to the rain.(雨によって)
 ④Regardless of the cost,I want it.(お金がどんなにかかっても)
 ⑤It's better to be polite than rude,as a rule.(原則として)
 ⑥Buy some jam in addition to bread.(パンに追加して)
 ⑦In fact,it's the best one available.(実は)